Thickness range-Base metal /welding procedure specification (WPS)
The welding procedure specification or procedure qualification shall encompass the thickness ranges to be used in production for the base metal to be joined or and repaired. The range of the thickness qualified is given in QW-451.1.
Table QW-451.1 (ASME SEC-IX).
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NOTE:- All dimensions in MM.
Thickness (T) of test coupon welded (MM)
Thickness (T) range of base metal, qualified (MM)
Maximum thickness, (t) of deposit weld metal, qualified (MM)
1. Below 1.5
2. 1.5 to 10
3. Over 10 but
less than 19
4. 19 to less
than 38
2t when t <19
5. 19 to less
than 38
2T when t ≥ 19
6. 38 to 150
2t when t < 19
7. 38 to 150
200 when t ≥ 19, Note-3
8. Over 150
[Note (4)]
2t when t < 19
The thickness of the test piece (T).
The thickness of deposited Weld metal (t).
1. If the welder qualifies WPS, below the thickness of 1.5 mm of a test piece, it means the welder qualifies for minimum thickness T, and maximum thickness 2T, and their maximum deposited weld metal thickness shall be 2t.
2. If the welder qualifies WPS, in between 1.5 to 10 mm thickness of the test piece, it means the welder qualifies for a minimum thickness of 1.5mm, and a maximum thickness of 2T and their maximum deposited weld metal thickness shall be 2t.
3. If the welder qualifies WPS, in between over 10 but less than 19 mm thickness of the test piece, it means the welder qualifies for a minimum thickness of 5mm, and the maximum thickness 2T and their maximum deposited weld metal thickness shall be 2t.
4. If the welder qualifies WPS, in between 19 to less than 38mm thickness of the test piece, it means the welder qualify for minimum thickness 5mm, and maximum thickness 2T, and their maximum deposited weld metal thickness shall be 2t when deposited weld metal thickness less than 19 mm (when t <19).
5. If the welder qualifies WPS, in between 19 to less than 38mm thickness of the test piece, it means the welder qualify for minimum thickness 5mm, and maximum thickness 2T and their maximum deposited weld metal thickness shall be 2T when deposited weld metal thickness greater than equal to 19 mm (when t ≥ 19).
6. If the welder qualifies WPS, in between 38 to 150mm thickness of the test piece, it means the welder qualify for a minimum thickness of 5mm, and the maximum thickness of 200, and their maximum deposited weld metal thickness shall be 2t when deposited weld metal thickness less than 19 mm (when t < 19). For more details see note 3.
7. If the welder qualifies WPS, in between 38mm to 150mm thickness of the test piece, it means the welder qualify for a minimum thickness of 5mm, and the maximum thickness of 200, and their maximum deposited weld metal thickness shall be 200 when deposited weld metal thickness greater than equal to 19 mm (when t ≥ 19). For more details see note 3.
8. If the welder qualifies WPS, over 150mm thickness of the test piece, it means the welder qualify for a minimum thickness of 5mm, and maximum thickness 1.33T, and their maximum deposited weld metal thickness shall be 2t when deposited weld metal thickness less than 19 mm (when t < 19). For more details see note 3.
9. If the welder qualifies WPS, over 150mm thickness of the test piece, it means the welder qualify for a minimum thickness of 5mm, and maximum thickness 1.33T, and their maximum deposited weld metal thickness shall be 1.33t when deposited weld metal thickness greater than equal to 19 mm (when t ≥ 19). For more details see note 3.
NOTE 1:- The following variables further restrict the limits shown in this table when they are referenced in QW-250 ( Welding Variables) for the process under consideration: QW-403.9, QW-403.10, QW-404.32, and QW-407.4. Also, QW-202.2, QW-202.3, and QW-202.4 provide exemptions that supersede the limits of this table.
NOTE 2:- For the combination of welding procedures, see QW-200.4
NOTE 3:- For the Shielded metal arc welding (SMAW), SAW, GMAW, PAW, and Gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW), welding processes only; otherwise per Note (1) or 2T, or 2t, whichever is applicable.
NOTE 4:- For test coupons over 150 mm thick, the full thickness of the test coupon shall be welded.
For single‐pass or multi-pass welding in which any pass is greater than 13 mm thick, an increase in base metal thickness beyond 1.1 times that of the qualification test coupon.
For the short‐circuiting transfer mode of the gas metal‐arc process
when the qualification test coupon thickness is less than 13 mm, an increase in thickness beyond 1.1 times that of the qualification test coupon. For thicknesses of 13 mm and greater, use Table QW-451.1 or Table QW-451.2, as applicable.
For the low voltage short‐circuiting type of gas metal‐arc process
When the deposited weld metal thickness is less than 13 mm, an increase in deposited weld metal thickness beyond 1.1 times of the qualification test deposited weld metal thickness. For weld metal thicknesses of 13 mm and greater than, use Table QW-451.1, Table QW-451.2, and Tables QW-452.1(a) and QW-452.1(b), as applicable.
For ferrous base metals other than P‐No. 7, P‐No. 8, and P‐No. 45, when a procedure qualification test coupon receives a post-weld heat treatment exceeding the upper transformations temperature or a solution of heat treatments for P-No. 10H materials, the maximum qualified base metal thickness, (T), shall not exceed 1.1 times the thickness of the test coupon.
QW-202.2 Groove and Fillet Welds
(a) Qualification for Groove Full Penetration Welds. Groove weld test coupon shall qualify the thickness ranges of both base metals and deposited weld metal to be used in productions. The limit of the qualification shall be in accordance with QW-451. Welding procedure specification (WPS) qualification for groove welds shall be made on groove welds using tension and guided bend specimens. A notch toughness test shall be made when required by other Sections of the Code. The WPS shall be qualified for use with groove welds within the range of essentials variables listed.
Also Read:-Basic Criteria for Welder Qualification Welding Process as per Code API 1104
(b) Qualification for the Partial Penetration Groove Welds. Partial penetration groove welds shall be qualified in accordance with the requirement of QW-451 for both base metals and deposited weld metal thickness, except there need be no upper limit on the base metals thickness provided qualification was made on base metals having a thickness of 38 mm or more.
(c) Qualification for Fillet Welds. Welding procedure specification ((WPS) qualification for fillet welds may be made on grooves weld test coupons using test specimens specified in (a) or (b). Fillet weld procedure qualification may be used for welding of all thicknesses of base metal for all sizes of a fillet weld, and all diameters of the pipe or tube in accordance with the Table QW-451.4. Non Pressure retaining fillet welds, as defined in other Sections of the Code, may as an alternate be qualified with fillet welds only. Tests shall be made according to QW-180. Limits of qualifications shall be in accordance with Table QW-451.3.
Weld Repair and Buildup.
WPS qualified on groove welds shall be applicable for weld repairs to groove and fillet welds and for weld build-up under the following provisions:
(a) There is no limitation on the thickness of base metal or deposited weld metal for fillet welds.
(b) For other than fillet weld metal, the thickness range for base metals and deposited weld metals for each welding process shall be in accordance with QW-451, except there need be no upper limit on the base metal thickness provided qualification was made on a base metal having a thickness of 38 mm or more.
Dissimilar of Base Metal Thickness.
Welding procedure specification (WPS) qualified on groove weld. It shall be applicable for production welds between dissimilar base metal thickness provided.
(a) the thickness of the thinner member shall be within the range permitted by QW-451.
(b) the thickness of the thicker member shall be as follows:
(b.1) For P‐No. 8, P‐No. 41, P‐No. 42, P‐No. 43, P‐No. 44, P‐No. 45, P‐No. 46, P‐No. 49, P‐No. 51, P‐No. 52, P‐No. 53, P‐No. 61, and P‐No. 62 metals, there shall be no limitations on the maximum thickness of the thicker production member in joints of similar P‐Number materials provided qualification was made on a base metal having a thickness of 6 mm or greater.
(b.2) For all the other metals, the thicknesses of the thicker member shall be within the range permitted by QW-451, except there is need be no limitation on the maximum thickness of the thicker production member provided qualifications was made on a base metal having a thickness of 38 mm or more. More than one procedure qualification may be required to qualify for some dissimilar thickness combinations.
QW-200.4 Combination of Welding Procedures.
(a) More than one Welding procedure specification (WPS) having different essentials, supplementary essentials, and nonessential variables may be used in a single production joint. Each WPS may include one or a combination of processes, like filler metals, or and other variables. Where more than one Welding procedure specification (WPS) specifying different processes, filler metals, or other essentials or supplementary essential variables is used in joints, QW-451. It shall be used to determine the range of base metal thickness and maximum weld metal thickness qualified for each process, filler metal, or set of variables, and those limits shall be observed. Alternatively, qualification of Welding procedure specification (WPS), for root deposits only may be made in accordance with code.
(b). When following a Welding procedure specification (WPS) that has more than one welding process like, filler metals or set of variables, each process, or set of variables may be used individually or in different combinations, provided.
(b.1) The essential, nonessential, and required supplementary essential variables associated with the process, filler metal, or set of variables are applied.
(b.2) The base metals and deposited weld metal thickness limit of QW-451 for each process, filler metal, or set of variables are applied (b) For GTAW, SMAW, GMAW, PAW, and SAW, or and combinations of these processes, a PQR for a process recording a test coupon that was at least 13 mm thick may be combined with one or more other PQR recording another welding process and any greater base metal thickness. In this case, the process recorded on the first Procedure qualification record (PQR) may be used to deposit the root layers using the process, recorded on that PQR up to 2t, for the short-circuiting type of GMAW, see QW-404. 32mm in thickness on the base metal of the maximum thickness qualified by the other PQR used to support the WPS. The requirement of the Note (1) of Tables QW-451.1 and QW-451.2 shall be applied.
Quick links for more details:-
Welding variables procedure for SMAW?
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